Art locations mapping.

Art locations mapping.

zola theme developed during the work on my portfolio


zola theme developed during the work on my portfolio

Web platform for life cycle assessment. Design and development


Web platform for life cycle assessment. Design and development

Company portfolio website


Company portfolio website

Art hostel website

Fall in love

Art hostel website

Brought life cycle modelling and presentation into web browser. Fostered experimentation and testing. Facilitated collaborative design process, internal product use and feedback cycles. Performed overhaul upgrades and refactorings. Worked with React, Angular, vanilla JavaScript and typescript. Encouraged best practices of software and front-end development in software team of 5-10 people. Maintained design system in figma and storybook. Created interactive prototypes of various fidelity in figma, sketch, balsamic, paper, code.

Facilitated and oversaw development of customer projects. Crafted specs and estimates. Regularly helped my team with testing and debugging. Maintained high load, high availability project for customer.

Designed mobile and web applications for various business apps. Facilitated customer engagement, encouraged gradual design and development, encouraged user testing, fostered problem solving through experimentation. Created mockups and interactive prototypes in Adobe Illustrator, HTML + Js. Maintained android screens. Prepared resources for various platforms and devices. Prepared developer hand-out specs.

Designed web application. Implemented design in HTML, SASS, JS. Encouraged team discussions, user journey mapping, internal testing and feedback.