Aleksandr Novolokov

Designer, user experience engineer, full stack developer

As a UX engineer and developer, I've woven a path through various media and technology, crafting authentic user experiences.

The medium is the message

– Marshal McLuhan, 1964

Case studies and work experience

My expertise lies in information architecture, systems thinking, UX engineering, and development, with a foresightful strategic approach.

Equipped with empathy, I strive to understand the problems and motivations of customers, businesses, and other entities. My research approach combines desk study and hands-on engagement, incorporating qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods.

My further process involves data modeling, prototyping, proof of concept, testing workflows, and researching technical feasibility. It enables more insightful user tests, bringing to life robust and meaningful solutions.

UX design

Extensive experience in various team and project setups, prioritizing user advocacy and growth through tactical and strategic design.

Mobile design

While my primary tech focus is web, I have valuable experience with native mobile development, ensuring versatile solutions.

Extensive development experience, which grew out of the desire for fine control of my designs and understanding of the digital medium, allows me to bridge the gap between creative concepts and technical execution and, more importantly, communicate with professionals from different fields. On my journey, I'm committed to quality and precision, whether in the design, implementation, or management of projects. Each experience has added a unique thread to my holistic approach.

Web development

Full-stack web development, design system implementation, detailed handover, experimentation

Project management

Sharp focus on delivery and efficiency

Artistic endeavors

Driven by curiosity yet rooted in past experience, I continually seek new horizons, exploring the fusion of colors and textures across diverse art forms, spanning traditional, mixed media, and digital art.

Art projects

Exploration of media and techniques


While some may describe me as ridiculously fast, my personal experience reveals systematic planning, drafting, and experimentation. I approach each project with a keen eye for detail at the right moments, ensuring I don't become attached to unnecessary elements or traits.


Crafting a Zola theme with a strong focus on effective presentation, underpinned by thoughtful information architecture and accessibility.

SimaPro @ PRé sustainability

Fostering collaboration and embracing diverse ideas within my team. Design and development of an environmental impact assessment web platform.

Ongoing research of artistic world

Open for collaboration and consulting

I'm currently open to engage with a new project opportunities and am eager to contribute to a wide range of projects, including those related to social and environmental good, education, mindfulness, and healthcare.

Let's get in touch and discuss your project

There are countless ways we can collaborate; let's find the perfect fit for your project.

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